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What does 'A broken clock is right twice a day' mean?

Even something that does not work correctly can still be right occasionally by chance.

What is the origion of 'A broken clock is right twice a day'?

This saying illustrates that even if something is generally unreliable or dysfunctional, it may still occasionally provide the correct outcome or information by coincidence. This phrase made its appearance in 'The Spectator' magazine in 1711.

Emoji meanings

  • 🕰️ represents 'clock'

  • indicating the object in question❌ represents 'broken'

  • symbolizing malfunction or non-working status✅ represents 'right'

  • indicating correctness2️⃣ represents 'twice'

  • specifying the number of times🌞 represents 'day'

  • indicating daytime🌜 represents 'night'

  • to emphasize the two different times in a 24-hour period
