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What does 'Curiosity killed the cat' mean?
A warning that excessive curiosity can lead to harm or trouble.
What is the origion of 'Curiosity killed the cat'?
This proverb serves as a caution against taking unnecessary risks or delving into matters that might best be left unexplored, suggesting that being too curious can have negative consequences. The earliest printed reference to the original proverb appears in the 1598 play, Every Man in His Humour, written by the English playwright Ben Jonson: 'Helter skelter, hang sorrow, care 'll kill a cat, up-tails all, and a louse for the hangman.'
Emoji meanings
represents 'curiosity'
indicating the act of questioning or exploring
represents 'killed'
symbolizing the potential danger of being overly curious
represents 'cat'
symbolizing the subject of the proverb